Hello beautiful! :)


It’s incredible to see so many of you wearing our happy pants and dream reminders on social media - happiness overflow! There is nothing more thrilling than getting a real-time glimpse of our products in use, right? To keep our #aimntribe growing, we may request to share your gorgeous pictures/movies on our channels. You will most likely see them on the respective product page on our website, and sometimes we publish them on Instagram, Facebook, in newsletters or in-store environments.


What does that mean for you?

By responding to our request with the hashtag #yesaimn, you agree to a non-exclusive, royalty-free worldwide license for aim’n (Aim Apparel AB & Aimn Limited) to use any of your gorgeous pictures/movies (“pictures”).

This license allows aim’n to use your pictures in our marketing and/or advertising (incl. galleries on the website, newsletters, social media, e-mail, and other customer communications, store materials and other marketing purposes).


What do you need to check before using the hashtag #yesaimn?

We need you to be able to confirm:
(i) you own all rights to your pictures, 
(ii) any other people appearing in your pictures have given you permission to transfer the rights as outlined above, and 
(iii) the use of your pictures by Aim Apparel AB & Aimn Limited is not against any third party's rights or violate any law.

We have no doubt you agree that Aim Apparel AB & Aimn Limited has no obligations to pay you for the use of your pictures and for the intellectual property rights of those associated with the above described uses. 

Being our aim’n superstar, you accept to keep Aim Apparel AB & Aimn Limited and all persons acting for Aim Apparel AB & Aimn Limited free of any claim of damages and liabilities, irrespective of nature, in connection with the use of the pictures as described above.

And ladies, please know you can reach out to us on matters of privacy and data protection at any time. Simply email: [email protected] 

Thanks for spreading happy vibes in your aim’ns! 

Aim high & dream big <3

XO aim’n crew